The need to feel pain in order to be creative

The need to feel pain in order to be creative

(…written in 2009…)

There is always a need to feel pain for some reason
Inside or outside, but sometimes it can fuel the creative energy
While most of the time it drives me up the wall

Empty words, mean empty threats
A shattered mirror leaning against the wall
Hallucinations inside my dreams
In my mind, I wear a cloak
And the towns I wander in, are lost in twilight

The need to feel pain, is always a necessity
We are a civilization that needs to feel the pain
In a world that spins on when we are just a flick of dust
Scattered in the wind

I am sitting here, rubbing my eyes
Its 4AM and it is not alright to sit here
And be so awake
Looking for empty threats
And turn them into empty words, finding a need
To feel pain to be creative
We are a species hell-bent on pain
Because it makes us feel alive

There is always a need to feel pain for some reason
Inside or outside, but sometimes it can fuel the creative energy
While most of the time it drives me up the wall
And most of the time, I am tired of it all
But still I carry on
Because I don’t know any better
Because it makes me feel alive
When most of the time, this pain
Makes me dead on the inside

A colony of men
Feeling a thousand paper cuts
The need to feel pain
To be creative
The pain
Never ends

-Jon Powder-

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